Anarcho-Medicine, Becoming Your Own Health Authority

healthy living interviews Mar 01, 2024

I’m an anarchist and a natural healing practitioner who inspires people to take control of their own health and livelihoods…

And when I say I’m an anarchist — I don’t mean that I like throwing Molotov cocktails at bus shelters… I mean that I favor self-governance and independence over centralized control and rulership.

I’ve had a very long career working in cancer medicine, forensic psychiatry, and medical science — and what I’ve witnessed is that the alleged “experts” get it wrong and make mistakes… A lot.

By giving up your own discernment, and giving the “experts” the green light to make your decisions for you — you’re letting every mistake that they make become your mistake (and you’re bearing the consequences, not them…).

Even though most people can hardly spell the word “discernment” (due to the Prussian model our education system has adopted, and is forcing you to pay for) — I still believe that genuine people are out there who are willing to take responsibility for their own life and health, and don’t want to be dropped and thrown like a puppet on strings at the mercy of the white-coated clergy…

So if you, too, want to take control of your own health and be a responsible man/woman — who can be their family’s doctor, and assure safety and sovereignty…

Then I hope this interview I did with Jeremy will give you the headstart you need.

Aiming for freedom, but not sure how to hit the mark? My fast and fun quiz will get you locked and loaded! — ‘What’s Getting In the Way of Your Freedom?’

I want to thank TNT Radio for hosting me. It was a pleasure!

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