Healthy Living Livestream: Why You’ve Been Lied to About Your Gut Flora

Dec 10, 2024

Probiotics are a big waste of your money.

I get it, they’re 1000 times better than “antibiotics,” but here’s the question you should be asking…

Is your body’s gut flora so flawed and ill-designed that you need things like probiotics to “correct nature’s mistake?”

In fact, after seeing the research on what your gut flora is capable of (when you take proper care of it), I’m far from convinced that it needs any help at all.

And that’s the real problem…

When you’re not avoiding the gut-ruining substances I’m also about to show you, your gut flora isn’t gonna be happy with you…

And 90% of us consume these every day, and until we cease to do so, we’ll never see the true potential of our body’s microbiome.

What we need isn’t more probiotics…

Instead, what we need is the truth.

In this episode of Healthy Living Livestream, you will unlearn all the lies you’ve been taught about the gut microbiome, get a Terrain-based viewpoint on the greatness of the gut flora, and how to look after it to realize its full potential.

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