Healthy Living Livestream: What's Really Causing Your Skin Problems?

Sep 10, 2024

Whenever we’re afflicted with an irritating skin problem — whether it be acne, eczema, or psoriasis — we tend to believe that smearing a hydrocortisone cream (or a “natural” ointment) on it will resolve the issue…

It might go away initially, but then it continues to come back… again, and again, and again. 

But contrary to common “wisdom,” skin disease actually has little to do with your skin…

Rather, it has everything to do with your liver.

The dry, itchy, and bumpy rashes are actually pollutants that your body’s trying to get rid of by way of your skin because it’s unable to do so through your liver — a telltale sign that your liver is in trouble…

And until you’ve resolved your liver’s plight, no ointment, cream, or expensive soap will help you overcome your skin problems.

Fortunately, there’s good news…

After today’s livestream at 12pm ET, you’ll know exactly why modern medicine’s approach to skin disease is completely flawed, how your liver is closely tied to the onset of your skin problems, and how to successfully treat your liver (naturally) so you can rejoice in the healthy, glowing skin you were always meant to have. 

Make sure to stick around until the end of the presentation to get your question answered live!

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