Healthy Living Livestream: Is Eastern Equine Encephalitis Caused By A Virus?

healthy living livestream Sep 03, 2024



You probably remember when people used to say:

“Lockdowns are a tool the political parasites are gonna keep using forever.”

They might have been right…

In this case, towns in Massachusetts are currently closing their doors from dusk to dawn to prevent the spread of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE or sleeping sickness), an illness allegedly caused by a mosquito-borne “virus.”

But you probably know my stance on “viruses,” so I didn’t buy it for a minute.

Instead, I went digging for the evidence, and you’re gonna be the first one to hear the truth…

In this episode, you’ll hear a complete disproof of the Eastern Equine Encephalitis story and you’ll find out why the idea of mosquitos (or any kind of “vector”) spreading disease is completely illogical.

Have you heard of this new “outbreak”? Stick around during the Q&A portion after the presentation and ask me anything live!


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